Middle Tennessee State University Apps

Checklist App for Scene Exam 1.1.6
The Forensic Institute for Research andEducation (FIRE) has developed a smartphone app for firstresponding officers on crime scenes called CASE (Checklist App forScene Examination). The most pristine a crime scene will ever be iswhen the first responder arrives, and the CASE app uses a checklistapproach with smartphone technology to document evidence at risk toloss or alteration before proper processing.The app was developed under the direction of seasoned crime sceneinvestigators from across the nation with dozens of years ofcombined experience. Additionally, LifeWings Partners, LLC, usedover two decades of demonstrated expertise in checklist developmentfor high consequence industries to provide guidance. The newlyrevised 2013 Crime Scene Investigation: A Guide for Law Enforcementserved as a reference for the app checklist definitions. WillowTreeApps, Inc., known for creating award-winning apps across multipleindustries, designed the CASE app for iPhone and Android use.The CASE app provides law enforcement a well-thought-out aidthat can systematically guide them through the often chaoticsetting of a crime scene while providing smartphone technologyneeded for documentation. Text, photography, video, and audio areavailable along with the ability to ascribe date, time, and GPSinformation. All documentation is for each crime scene is bundledand exported via USB cable to an external device. After 72 hours,all data is deleted automatically from the phone.For more information about the CASE app, development team, theForensic Institute for Research and Education (FIRE), or FIREdirector Dr. Hugh Berryman, D-ABFA, go to www.csimtsu.com.This project was supported by Grant No. 2011-DB-BX-0102 awarded bythe Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistanceis a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which alsoincludes the Bureau of Justice Statistics, the National Instituteof Justice, the Office of Juvenile Justice and DelinquencyPrevention, the Office for Victims of Crime, the Community CapacityDevelopment Office, and the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing,Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking. Points of viewor opinions in this document are those of the author and do notnecessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S.Department of Justice.This app is for first responding officers. It is neitherintended for nor should be used to replace crime scene processingunits. Additionally, all departmental, jurisdictional, andgovernmental policies and procedures should supersede app checklistprocedures.
MTSU Geoscience 1.51
MTSU Geoscience is an application proposedbygeoscience department chair (2012), Dr. Warner Cribb. It isanapplication designed as a study aid for students enrolled intheintroductory geoscience course.This application was designed by the MTSU MobileDevelopmentTeam. You can learn more about the MTSU MobileDevelopment Team andofficial MTSU application at mtsu.edu/mobile.If you havesuggestions on how we might make our applicationsbetter, pleasecontact our student developers by emailat:mobile.dev@mtsu.edu.
MTSU Mobile 3.7.8
MTSU Mobile, the official application of Middle Tennessee StateUniversity.
MTSU Jones College of Business 1.0.7
Android Application for MTSU Jones College of Business